Sunday, June 19, 2011


Me: Do you think she's done talking yet?

Charles: No, she's still vertical.

Personal Time

"Mama, what's 'Personal time?"

"Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... Oh my god JB, you are funny!"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Best Summer

Oh, for the love of god. While driving about running errands one afternoon, the kids declared that this is the best summer EVER because...

1. We've seen lots of flowers

2. Mama's starting to forget things

3. We've been able to play lots of 'slug-bug'

4. Mama FINALLY let us have some gum!

5. Mama's going CRAZY!!!

(This list was followed by squeals of delight... Oh, and school starts in 66 days.)

Not Just the Back

After 30 minutes of "Mama...maaamaaa...mama..." early this morning, I dragged my sorry self out of bed and into BW's room.

There, sitting in his bed facing the fan that is blowing across him to help relieve his sunburn, the boy plaintively says "Mama, my front is really really cold and my back is hot..."

"Well, what happens when you roll over?"


Rocket science... It's awesome.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mama's Green Chair

As far as she knows, we've always had 'Mama's green chair'. Before she was born, it took residence in what would be her room, and on occasion I would sleep in it, trying to rest as the date of her arrival drew near and she refused to rest alongside me.

When JB was an infant we spent countless early mornings together as she would feed, slowly rocking the hours away together in the chair.

Later as a toddler, she would wake and crawl from her bed and in the morning we'd find her snuggled deep into it's seat, saying only that she wanted to snuggle.

Eventually we moved the chair to the living room, as JB no longer woke to eat in the early mornings and the space was needed for her play. Even now that she has grown and is in elementary school, when she wakes in the night and feels the need to snuggle, if you listen you can hear the pitter patter of her feet as she moves from her room down the stairs to the living room where the chair now resides.

There in the morning, snuggling in the corner of the green chair, you will find a little girl wrapped in a pink blanket, having found her snuggle and fallen into a deep sleep within it's warmth.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Constructive Criticism

JB: Mama, your face right now (your expression) is not cute. But your hair, when straight like this, is cute. Expression - not cute. Hair - cute.

Nice that I'm receiving 'cute' advice from the six year old.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Over dinner last night...

"JB loves meat mama... She'll even eat a pork-chop!" 

"What's a pork-chop?"

Before anyone can even process the question, BW responded "It's a piece of meat that comes from a buffalo and has big bones and lots of juices. It tastes really good. I think she'd like it mama. We've never had it before."

"You are right BW, that sounds good. We should try it!"

"You've both had pork-chops, and you both like them."

"I've never had buffalo!"

"Me neither!"