Well, it was a fun run.
After 4 1/2 years of non-stop work and doing everything that
was asked of me and more - even when the amount of work that landed on my plate
was far more than any one person can or should be responsible for, it's time for a new chapter in this adventure called 'life'.
A number of students that used our service have graduated, so if the meeting had gone the way of ‘We just don’t have
enough work, we are sorry we can’t renew your contract.’ that would have been
plausible and an appropriate way of letting me go. While that would have been the kind way of letting me go, it wouldn't have been true.
It didn’t go down that way. Instead Supe went for the
personal, using mischaracterizations and skewed situations as an explanation
for the decision. As I wrote in Chhhcchhchhhanges this semester has been a rough one.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been this exhausted;
Mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. I have been worn down
to nothingness.”
I wrote those words two days after our meeting, when Supe
notified me that my contract for the fall would not be renewed.
After more than a week of recovering from such a long and
stressful work environment, I’m waking to the fact that the actual job, the
people that I worked with on a daily basis and the team the evolved over these
last few year - it was amazing, it was more than I could have ever dreamed of,
and it had so little to do with the ‘chain of command’.
That chain of command though, I am relieved to be out from
under it. I could delve into all of the critiques, the complaints, the wrongs
that I’ve seen and experienced, and the questionable behavior of a couple of people that taints
the environment for everyone else who wants to be there, doing the hard but
rewarding work of providing accommodations, help, and acknowledgement for
people with disabilities.
I have heard that one such individual has been, from the
time I started working for them, talking poorly and sharing (untrue) stories
about me when I wasn’t in the room. It is my hope that those I worked with,
those that slogged through the trenches with me know a tale when it’s being
spun versus the truth when they hear it.
Those that don’t… well, I’m concerned about them. They are
the ones that I worked hard to protect. It is a fact that anyone who works
under this person is subject to similar vitriol. The more likely that are to
have heard negative or even participated in such conversations, the more likely
they are to have similar words said about them. One person in particular, who
has been there nearly as long as I was, is completely unaware of all the hate
that spewed about them and I wish her luck.
I loved my job, and I explored it to the fringes with
everything that I had. Were I given the opportunity to continue on, anything
else would have been fine-tuning.
I leave that behind, and now that I’ve shaken off the stress
and the disillusionment, I’m moving on to new and brighter things. I’m excited
and have a clarity that has been missing for a long time.
I have hope.
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