From the moment she was able to talk and bratty behavior made it's appearance by way of stomping feet, and ear-piercing screeching "NO!" I would stop mid-whatever it was and gently correct her by saying "Darling, I love you... but I'm sorry, we do not have princesses in our house... we have ladies. If you choose to be a lady, that's awesome. If you choose to continue to act like a princess, the door to the back yard is right there. Use it."
Ladies are kind, brave, strong, loving and warm-hearted. (Think Cinderella)
Princesses are selfish, demanding and bratty. (Think Cinderella's step-sisters)
Ladies don't mind an honest days work, getting their hands dirty because they need to, or because it is FUN!
Princesses don't.
Ladies enjoy science, bugs, the night sky and all things that fly.
Princesses... not so much.
She's never been a fan of Disney or the Princesses they portray (until along came Brave, and we made some adjustments) and I overheard her tell one of her mates that she would rather be a lady any day of the week.
Little by little words do shape our kids.