Monday, February 29, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0229

You will be a lion 
in your own cause.

Lucky Numbers
26,  49,  11,  34,  35,  23

Sunday, February 28, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0228

Giving will make you smile.

Lucky Numbers
51,  10,  20,  13,  2,  21

Saturday, February 27, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0227

A new romance is in the future.

Lucky Numbers
5,  42,  35,  22,  23,  10

Friday, February 26, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0226

You will always be surrounded
by true friends.

Lucky Numbers
4,  43,  42,  7, 45,  35

Thursday, February 25, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0225

Express yourself: Don't hold back!

Lucky Numbers
5,  33,  2,  18,  9,  15

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0224

You will meet an important
person who will help you
advance professionally.

Lucky Numbers
50,  47,  10,  7,  33,  15

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0223

Winning isn't everything 
but the will to win is.

Lucky Numbers
42,  44,  55,  24,  2,  29

Monday, February 22, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0222

If winter comes,
can spring be far behind?

Lucky Numbers
18,  28,  45,  12,  10,  11

Sunday, February 21, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0221

He that gives should not remember,
he that receives should never forget.

Lucky Numbers
35,  44,  54,  33,  22,  56

Saturday, February 20, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0220

You can't stop the waves,
but you can learn to surf.

Lucky Numbers
3,  36,  47,  38,  52,  56

Friday, February 19, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0219

He can who thinks he can,
And he can't who thinks he can't.
This is an indisputable law.

Lucky Numbers
35,  4,  13,  5,  34,  56

Thursday, February 18, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0218

Happiness is often a rebound
from hard work.

Lucky Numbers
20,  6,  46,  23,  47,  9

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0217

A good home is happiness.

Lucky Numbers
39,  7,  17,  18,  41,  19

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0216

Your greatest asset is not the
quantity of your friends,
rather the quality of your friends.

Lucky Numbers
36,  37,  2,  32,  27,  33

Monday, February 15, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0215

He that climbs the tall tree
has a right to the fruit.

Lucky Numbers
20,  38,  46,  50,  28,  42

Sunday, February 14, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0214

Your fortune is not something to find
but to unfold.

Lucky Numbers
33,  9,  21,  27,  2,  28

Saturday, February 13, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0213

Hearty laughter is a good way to
job internally without having to 
go outdoors.

Lucky Numbers
55,  38,  31,  25,  45,  27

Friday, February 12, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0212

The man who rows the boat
doesn't have time to rock it.

Lucky Numbers
18,  11,  47,  51,  46,  5

Thursday, February 11, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0211

Enthusiasm can change the
current situation.

Lucky Numbers
43,  38,  25,  23,  10,  2

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0210

The truth always shines through.

Lucky Numbers
9,  29,  11,  18,  8,  13

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0209

The thought that leads to no
action is not thought - 
it is dreaming.

Lucky Numbers
28,  52,  15,  48,  17,  31

Monday, February 8, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0208

From now on, your kindness will
lead you to success.

Lucky Numbers
4,  50,  42,  38,  47,  25

Sunday, February 7, 2016

#DailyFortuneCookie 16-0207

The squeaky wheel gets
the grease.

Lucky Numbers
7,  42,  49,  24,  30,  45

Monday, February 1, 2016

It all runs together

The last three weeks have been filled to the brim with activities and obligations. It's the perfect storm of schedules.

My team at work continues to grow at a pace I'd never imagined - three new people in the last 5 days alone. Additionally students have been adding classes to their schedules, not dropping them as we typically see.

The result is a schedule that incorporates the needs and availability of 17 people to cover 70+ classes. It is the ultimate puzzle, and can be somewhat taxing to figure out at times. Add in the need to identify and account for substitutes as needed and it's like standing in a tub of cold molasses while a tornado is whipping by.

It's also the start of Girl Scout Cookie Season. For me this means doing a product analysis and making sure that our initial order of cookies gives us enough product to make a profit and yet not so much that we are left with boxes of confectionery crack at the expense of the Troop's bank account.

Kids have doctors appointments, pets need to visit the vet, and somewhere in the midst of it, I need time off to care for myself.

My poor blog has been sorely neglected, tucked somewhere between 'I really need to' for others and the longing of a writer's mind crying out to string words together.

Soon I will be back in gusto - plans are in the works for me to regain a greater balance of life, love and work.

Stay tuned.