Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Writer's Block

Writers block sucks. Especially the kind I've been struggling with these last several months... hell, make it a year, or even two.

Unlike streaks of writers block that I suffered in school (both back in the day and recently), there was no assigned paper, no sensation that one late night was all I needed to pound out the 10-page record of all that I'd researched and learned over the prior 15 weeks.

No. Not this time.

This has been a more insidious form of writer's block, involving moments where my soul cries out to feel the scratch of the pencil on paper, to hear the clicking of keys as I memorialize my thoughts in the digital space. Yet, my mind resisted. With each attempt to share with the world the one word that ended the potential and promise of what was to be a vastly rewarding 3rd career, my words faltered.

This post is a good example - it's taken me nearly 3 weeks to complete. An unwavering emotional dam resulted from the subconscious knowledge that once the words began to flow, so would the tears. Tears that have been trying to release themselves from my soul in an unending stream.

Thankfully, time heals. Mostly.

Time, a lot of water, and a multitude of lifestyle changes. No more tomatoes, eggplants, tomatillos, or peppers of any kind, and certainly no 'red' or pepper based spices. Diet Coke is off limits as are artificial flavorings of any kind. Eating out is an adventure in finding food I can enjoy without completely pissing off the waitstaff. (Hint: It takes 3 questions about food ingredients before the manager makes a visit to the table.)

The one word diagnosis that brought all of this into my world?

Fibromyalgia. Fibro for short.


Tears have been shed, emotional landslides buttressed, and a healthy outlook attained. In truth, I haven’t been as healthy or happy as I am today in a very long time. Fingers crossed that things continue to move in that direction, fibro or not.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

F is for Fuhgeddaboudit

When asked what I'm up to these days my response is usually that I'm currently "In transition".

It was, I suppose, inevitable that things would go awry after all of the hard work, late nights and discovering an actual joy with the profession of accounting. Friends, old and new, often expressed disbelief in my newly chosen career.

"You're too vibrant, too outgoing and social to be an accountant" they'd say. Or they'd respond with an incredulous "Uh, really?"

Yes. Really. I love the order, the process, the piecing together of miscellaneous facts to build a financial image. Perhaps evenmoreso, I love the challenge of digging through old records, passed legislation, and case law all for the possibility of determining the answer to a client's question.

I love nearly all of it. Yet, for me, a career as a full-fledged accountant is no longer a possibility. Reading that statement... When I admit the reality of my state in life... it tears my heart out, and I find myself adrift.

I cannot help but continually ask, "Where did it all go wrong?" "How did I miss the signs?" and an even more uncertain voice asks "What will I do now?"

I've stumbled and fallen professionally now at least three times. Each time I've experienced such a change, I've risen, dusted off the debris and began the hard work of starting over.

In 2008 when the housing market crashed and professions associated with that industry suddenly had no gainful employment. As a Landscape Architect, I was unable to frame proposals for projects that were awarding at work rates from the mid-80's.

After a few years at home with the kids, I began the long trek down the path of acquiring entry into a medical program as medicine has always been another untapped interest of mine. Though I did well in my coursework, I was unable to crack the code of developing a successful application and essay packet and was never offered admission into the programs I sought.

It was during the course of acquiring prerequisite classes that I was offered what became my second career -  working as a transcriber for the D/deaf and hard of hearing. Challenging and often lonely work, yet I found that the service I provided for the students I worked with left me feeling joyous in being a small part of their success in higher education.

When that job was unexpectedly no longer part of my life, I struggled to find a new profession, a new Identity, and a new passion that would and could carry me through this second half of my life's story.

And I'd found it with accounting. It met all of my apparent needs, all of my personal goals, and the areas of practice are vast and highly employable. Most importantly though, I enjoyed the type of work and critical thinking that was required.

Long days, late nights... recollections of my days studying landscape architecture... While I didn't LOVE each and every moment, I felt complete.

Most are lucky when they find a career that they love and can pursue at full abandon for the rest of their lives. I'm not sure what to call it when you find an equally passionate path a second time. Fortunate? Perhaps.

But a third time? Miraculous?

As with the first and the second, I've been struck down just as I neared the summit of my life's mountain. Only this time it wasn't the economy or a supervisor who felt threatened by my skills and resilience.

This time my future darkened as the result of one. single. word.

Monday, October 21, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1021

Sever the ignorant doubt in your 
heart with the sword of 

Lucky Numbers
53, 2, 20, 24, 5, 39

Sunday, October 20, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1020

Others appreciate
your sensitivity.

Lucky Numbers
52, 16, 56, 25, 2, 1

Saturday, October 19, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1019

Example is better
than perception.

Lucky Numbers
50, 41, 33,  29, 15, 32

Friday, October 18, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1018

A leader is a person you will
follow to a place you wouldn't
go by yourself.

Lucky Numbers
35, 12, 45, 32, 9, 22

Thursday, October 17, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1017

It is hope, not despair, which
makes successful revolutions.

Lucky Numbers
12, ,11, 30, 42, 10, 33

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1015

You are imbued with
extraordinary vitality.

Lucky Numbers
43, 35, 28, 36, 7,24

Monday, October 14, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1014

Good news will be brought
to you by mail.

Lucky Numbers
18, 48, 6, 22, 32, 42

Sunday, October 13, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1013

Human Evolution:
"Wider freeways but
narrower viewpoints."

Lucky Numbers
36, 35, 31, 55, 23, 4

Saturday, October 12, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1012

When you do make a mistake, 
do not treat yourself as if though
you were the mistake.

Lucky Numbers
8, 6, 29, 49, 42, 14

Friday, October 11, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1011

Go for the gold today!
You'll be the champion of whatever.

Lucky Numbers
35, 22, 48, 34, 42, 46

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1009

Genius is more work than just
being a genius.

Lucky Numbers
43, 38, 25, 23, 10, 2

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1008

Enjoy the small things you find
on your path

Lucky Numbers
49, 28, 51, 20, 6, 7

Monday, October 7, 2019

#DailyFortuneCookie 19-1007

Your ingenuity and imagination
will get results.

Lucky Numbers
42, 17, 21, 4, 36, 46