Not familiar with this particular use of the word 'adventure', she asked if I could explain what I'd meant.
When I was younger (about 19 or 20) and having a particularly difficult time with school, work, relationships and life in general, a friend explained that when making a significant choice with your life, that the road ahead is an unknown journey - an adventure. You set out with a new goal or destination but along the way there will be good experiences, bad ones... and heart wrenching ones. Each peak or valley will be new and not as you once planned. It is an uncharted path in your life... like those before us who explored unmapped lands.
Referring to milestone decisions and changes as an adventure makes it all seem so much more positive - that anything is possible and the experiences make you a stronger and better person.
My sister's move across the country to start a new life in Boston was an adventure, though it ended too soon and with great sorrow.
My return to school has certainly been and will continue to be an adventure, as is raising two smart and active children. Marriage with Charles is one of the better adventures I've ever had, as is our life in River City.
So, on this New Years Eve, as we are saying our goodbyes to 2011 and all that we learned from it, I wonder, what is your new adventure for 2012? Whatever it may be, I wish you great success and calm in the year to come!