Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Freaking Cold


"Yah BW?"

"Where is my PSP Charger!?"

"In my room, I'm still putting stuff away from our trip."

"Why Mama? It's not like JB uses hers. Why do you have MINE?! Can't you keep hers in your room? I'm not kidding. It is so freaking cold in your room! What's the deal?!"

Wandering down to the master bedroom he walks in and can be heard...

"Honestly, it's so freaking cold in here, how do you even sleep at night!?"

Returning to the hallway, which looks onto the living area he continues... "Seriously Mama! JB doesn't use her charger. I am not about to spend time in your room charging my PSP since it is so flipping cold! I'm just so freaking disappointed..."

"What's the problem, bub?" Asked JB from the kitchen.

"Mama stole the charger for my PSP and has it in her room - and it's so freaking cold in there...How can I possibly spend ANY time in there? I'll freeze to death!"

"Bub. Just chill. We just got back from vaca. Mama hasn't had a chance to put stuff away yet, besides if it was in your room you wouldn't be able to find it."

"It's just so freaking cold! Why does it have to be FREEZING!? Mama, I'm so disappointed in you right now."

(me to Charles) "I suppose I ought to go get the charger so he can calm down."

(Charles to me) "Actually, hang on, this is getting pretty funny."

Several mutterings later I relented and got little man his charging cable. Handing it to him he looked at me with an expression of pure admonishment. "Just disappointed, Mama. Disappointed."

He turned and puttered off to his room muttering under his breath "I just don't know how I'm going to get through to them... "

(In my defense, our bedroom was 78 degrees and it was 86 outside.)

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