Friday, November 16, 2012

Hair Helmet

After BW's team suffered yet another crushing loss at his soccer game we were tooling about running errands and trying to figure out where we wanted to stop off for lunch.

Out of the blue Min cheerily asked "Daddy, soon can I get a hair helmet?"

Coughing, Charles asked her, "Uh, what do you mean?"

"I want a hair helmet."

"A what?"

"A HAIR helmet! When can I get one?"

"Well, what, exactly do you mean by a 'hair helmet'?"

"Silly daddy! It's a helmet that has hair on it so that when you are out riding your bike you still look stylish! They are very cool looking!"

"Oh, well then. Hum. So, mama, did you hear that? JB wants a hair helmet."

"I did. I think that is a very 'interesting' idea but I'm not sure how to go about finding one."

"Yup." said JB "I'll be the coolest kid in school! Walking, wheeling Wednesday's won't ever be the same!"

Under his breath, Charles muttered "You got that right."

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