Sunday, March 31, 2013

In a Knot

Carrots from the Garden as intertwined as C& I
Oh, my darling Charles. I love you.

Thinking about you puts a smile on my face and lets my soul relax... just a bit, for a moment or two.

Especially on those afternoons when JB and BW are at each other's throats, bickering incessantly and calm evades the house, or when BW is having an especially difficult time adjusting to life and the changing days.

Thank you for being you, and for all that you do. I would be a shadow of who I am and what I am able to conquer without you in my life.

It was 21 years ago that we stayed up all night, talking, sharing memories. Learning about each other; of who were, used to be and our hopes and fears of 'The Future'.

One of my favorite memories with you thus far in this crazy hectic life is of you walking me home on your way to church so that you could play violin for the service.

Who ever knew that two people could spend more than 10 hours doing nothing but talking? 

Happy Easter my love. 

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