As our Brownies bridge to Juniors it seems appropriate to share a few thoughts.
Never in a million years did I imagine that I would be leading a troop of Girl Scouts. Not only did I never imagine doing it, I can’t believe that we are still going strong after two years!
“Troop Leader” sounds like a daunting task - and I can honestly say that the first year we were together, it was at times. But together we’ve found our way, we’ve grown, we’ve figured out how to come together and support each other and we’ve had some pretty incredible experiences.
As I was putting the badges on JB's vest, I couldn’t help but have a sort of trip down memory lane and think back to how much you’ve grown over these last two years and I’m pretty sure each mom did the same thing.
At our first meeting - every single one of you girls said that of all that Girl Scouts had to offer - you wanted to sell cookies. And we have. Some days were warmer than others, some days we sold more than others - but we did it. And we did it as a team. And we have the memories of not only that experience, but also of accomplishing the goals you set - we bunked with the beasts and we went horseback riding, we danced, we hiked, we geo-cashed, we learned about our family stories, we gave back - thru care packages to the FFH and donating cookies to the Harmony House, and that’s just a small part of all the cool things we’ve shared.
Each of you look at each of your vests - the ones that document all that we have done together. Notice that they all have the same badges - representing the skills that we learned, or the adventures that we had, but each vest has it’s badges organized differently. That’s what makes this troop so unique, so special. We each have our own talents, skills, and interests, but when we meet as a Troop, we work together to have the best possible experience and we help each other whenever one of us is having a hard day, or needs some encouragement.
I think back to the little girls that eagerly came to our first meetings, and sought to do every thing ‘just so’ and I look at these Brownies now ready to fly up to the Junior level, and I am excited to see where the future takes us. I’m also excited to … and there I go again. I’m talking too much! So, without any further delays… Let's begin!
Oh! But first! I must have the mom’s stand and be recognized for their hard work and dedication. You mom’s see to it that your daughters make it to the troop on time, you’ve stepped up to the plate to do your part to help your daughters oversee their meetings and prepare their topics, and you’ve become the most amazing people that I can rely on if ever there is a need.
I couldn’t, and I wouldn’t do it without you.
And now before these girls burst at the seams… let's get the show on the road!
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