Monday, June 21, 2010

If it's not the creepies, it's the crawlies.

Saturday night JB apparently sat outside our door in the middle of the night rocking and thumping causing a great deal of noise. Eventually she fell asleep and when Charles tripped over her the next morning she expressed a great deal of concern that she may have woken us up.

I say apparently she sat outside our door, because after falling asleep, not even a roaring train could have woken me.

When Charles assured her that she not disturbed us, she was greatly relieved. When asked what caused her to migrate to our part of the hallway, the reply he got was... no kidding...

"I was afraid of the meatworms."

Seriously, where do they come up with this?

Last night she would only go to sleep after a great deal of assurance that no, meatworms did not in fact, live in Colorado or the United States for that matter. They were only located on a small island just off the coast of Antarctica, green stripes, pink polka dots and all.

I'm wondering what she'll come up with tonight at 4 am... apparently that's when the meatworms think we are the tastiest. And oh, by the way... your elbows are apparently the best tasting part of you, so cover up when you tuck yourselves in for the night.

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